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[유관기관] (KIND) 우즈베키스탄 PPP 사업(Transport sector) 목록('24년 하반기 기준) 2025-02-03| 작성자 : 대외협력팀| 조회 : 325

첨부파일 참조 : PD-308Annex2.pdf


I. Social sphere
1.1 Pre-school education
1.2 School education
1.3 Higher education
1.4 Healthcare

II. Transport sector
2.1 Motorways

15. Construction of Tashkent-Samarkand toll highway.
16. Construction of the Tashkent-Andijan toll highway (303 km) with the  support of the World Bank.
17. Construction and management of a new toll tunnel at Takhtaqaracha pass.
18. Construction of Samarkand-Bukhara toll highway.
19. Construction of a new ring road of Chirchik city (connecting highways 4R5 and 4K755A) with asphalt-concrete coating.
20. Reconstruction of the 3 — 52 km (49km) section of the highway 4R 87 'A378 highway-Karshi' in the direction of Samarkand-Karshi with cement-concrete coating.
21. Operation of public highways up to 20 km long (total 260 km) in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions.
2.2 Railways
22. Modernization and management of railway stations located in Tashkent, Samarkand and Kokand (TashkentCentral, Samarkand and Kokand).
2.3 Airports
2.4 Public Transportation

III. Energy sector
3.1 Electricity and gas distribution networks
3.2 Hydropower

IV. Utility sector
4.1 Heat supply systems
4.2 Drinking water supply and wastewater services

V. Water management sector

VI. Ecology sector

VII. Agricultural sector



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