
ITS Korea의 국외뉴스 상세입니다.

TomTom and CARIAD bring next-gen navigation to the road 2024-11-21| 작성자 : 대외협력팀| 조회 : 39

...중략...The new models feature an EV routing and range service, helping drivers efficiently tackle the demands of electric mobility, especially on longer journeys. The navigation solution factors in traffic, real-time EV charger availability, and even the driver’s driving style to identify optimal charging stops and incorporate them into the travel time. Throughout the journey, the system monitors the vehicle’s range to adapt the route as needed, ensuring a comfortable EV experience...중략...


**출처 : erticonetwork.com(원문보기)


[TOMTOM와 CARIAD이 공동개발한 차세대 네비게이션을 선보인다]

TOMTOM-CARIAD가 공동개발한 차세대 네비게이션 솔루션을 탑재한 차량을 선보였다. 이는 교통량, EV 충전, 운전자의 운전성향까지 고려하여 운행경로를 조정한다.