England extends use of enforcement to detect at-wheel mobile use2024-02-26|
작성자 : 대외협력팀|
조회 : 168
<p>National Highways in the UK is extending its trial of new mobile technology which can automatically detect motorists who are not wearing a seatbelt or using mobile phones while driving is being extended with police across England taking part...중략...</p>
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<p><a href="https://www.traffictechnologytoday.com/news/enforcement/england-extends-use-of-enforcement-to-detect-at-wheel-mobile-use.html" target="_blank">**출처: www.traffictechnologytoday.com(원문보기)</a></p>
National Highways in the UK is extending its trial of new mobile technology which can automatically detect motorists who are not wearing a seatbelt or using mobile phones while driving is being extended with police across England taking part...중략...