<p>...중략...Riyadh Metro is a key component of Riyadh Public Transport (RPT), which also includes buses - including bus rapid transit and bus on demand - as well as park and ride facilities. It will "significantly bolster urban mobility and the services and logistics sector in Riyadh", according to the Royal Commission for Riyadh City (RCRC)...중략...</p>
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<p><a href="https://www.itsinternational.com/news/first-three-lines-riyadh-metro-open" target="_blank">**출처 : www.itsinternational.com(원문보기)</a></p>
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<p>[리야드 지하철 3개 노선 개통]</p>
<p>사우디아라비아의 수도인 리야드에서 무인 대중교통 시스템인 지하철이 12월 1일 개통됨</p>
...중략...Riyadh Metro is a key component of Riyadh Public Transport (RPT), which also includes buses - including bus rapid transit and bus on demand - as well as park and ride facilities. It will "significantly bolster urban mobility and the services and logistics sector in Riyadh", according to the Royal Commission for Riyadh City (RCRC)...중략...
**출처 : www.itsinternational.com(원문보기)
[리야드 지하철 3개 노선 개통]
사우디아라비아의 수도인 리야드에서 무인 대중교통 시스템인 지하철이 12월 1일 개통됨